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DIY Lifestyle

Envelope Style Pillow DIY

Envelope Style Pillow DIY

In our home, we have a problem that my husband affectionately calls “pillow hell.” I do purchase an excessive amount of throw pillows…but there’s a method to my madness! When it comes to decorating, like many people, I like a strong neutral base. Having a gray couch instead of a green one allows me to use pillows and various other decor to set the tone. When I get sick of it, I can just swap it out for what’s in style or season. Which brings me to my inspiration for doing this Envelope Style Pillow DIY!

The other day I saw a tutorial for a Cactus Pillow Outline DIY on A Beautiful Mess and a lightbulb went off. I’d been going about this all wrong! Instead of being a weirdo pillow hoarder I can just make different pillow covers to switch out, saving space and lots of cash!

Lucky for me, I’m also a fabric hoarder. Whenever I’m at a fabric store downtown like Michael Levine, I always pick up a yard of a few Ikats and styles that speak to me. These types of fabric can get really pricey (like $18 a yard, that’s pricey, right?) so I love the option to pick up a little bit to use as a chair cushion cover, purse, or as part of a handmade gift. My textile obsession definitely paid off when I went to create my Envelope Style Pillow DIY. I had quite a few Ikats and other fabrics to choose from. In the end, I chose a beautiful earth and jewel toned Ikat and a bright orange cotton duck for my Envelope Style Pillow DIY.

I already had a pillow (as evidenced from my pillow hoarding), this one came with a comforter set from Ross that I’d just been clinging on to. It’s been traveling aimlessly around our bedroom floor forever and I thought it deserved a better life.

Let’s go, Envelope Style Pillow DIY!

You’ll need:

  • A pillow you hate
  • Fabric, I used two kinds one for the front, one for the back
  • Scissors
  • Pins
  • A sewing machine (or the patience for hand sewing)

Step 1:

Mark the fabric for the back/ envelope side of the pillow for cutting. Gave an extra 1″ on each side of the pillow to allow for the height/ stuffing. I just eyed it, it isn’t rocket science.

I used a white fabric pencil to mark my cuts.

Step 2:

Once you cut out the fabric square for the back, cut it in half just a little off center.

Step 3:

Repeat the process of marking and cutting the front piece of fabric. You can use the back piece as a guide for the height, but the width will be uniform (since you won’t be doing an fabric overlap in front).

Envelope Style Pillow DIY

Step 4:

You can see that the front piece is less wide than the back piece.

Envelope Style Pillow DIY

Step 5:

Pin your back pieces for a hem where they’ll “meet” (if you’re doing a hem).

Envelope Style Pillow DIY

Step 6:

Sew your hem. You can match the thread color if you’re OCD, but I don’t care and my husband won’t notice, so I just used what was in my machine. Pin the fabrics with the right side of the fabrics facing each other and with the fabric for the back of your pillow overlapped as shown. Sew around the exterior border with a 1/2″ seam allowance.

Envelope Style Pillow DIY

Step 7:

Look, you completed my Envelope Style Pillow DIY!

Envelope Style Pillow DIY

Step 8:

Stuff your pillow in your new Envelope Style Pillow Cover.

Envelope Style Pillow DIY


Envelope Style Pillow DIY


Let me know in the comments if you liked this Envelope Style Pillow DIY tutorial!



Vegan Fried Shishito Pepper / Okra Dish

Vegan Fried Shishito Pepper

*This was originally posted as Vegan Fried Okra, but apparently it’s Shishito Peppers! Lol I’m an idiot. The recipe is great for either, though, so carry on!

Southern cooking has my heart. All the delicious, buttery comfort food gives me the warm and fuzzies. I’m a huge fan of The Pioneer Women, Ree. After getting her cookbook a few years ago, I immediately began cooking anything and everything Southern. Just ask my husband or brother, for a while they’d come home to a new pie every day. I felt like a Disney Princess, whistling around my kitchen, in hopes that a group of birds would come in and help with the dishes. One of my favorite southern dishes is Fried Okra! Now that I’m blogging with more of an emphasis on Vegan/ Veg food, I thought I’d give you a Vegan Fried Okra Shishito Pepper dish to try for yourself! I’d never made it before, so this was a great opportunity to learn something new!

As much as I love Sothern Cooking, my waistline doesn’t. This Vegan Fried Shishito Pepper dish is one of the rare unhealthy things that you’ll see me post. It’s deep fried, covered in corn meal and flour goodness, and guaranteed to please. Just maybe walk around a bit after you eat it 😝

For thisVegan Fried Shishito Pepper/ Okra dish, I made a few modifications to try to get the best consistency possible. I used unsweetened almond milk instead of the buttermilk the traditional recipe calls for, and after the first batch, I thickened the almond milk up a little by adding 1/2 teaspoon of Xanthan Gum. Xanthan gum is a “natural” thickener, and it’s great to use in smoothies, dressings, and soups as well. I was turned on to it during my raw vegan days. It gets some flack because it’s unclear if it’s bad for you or not, but I figured if I’m deep-frying my dinner, who tf cares?? You judge for yourself, I’m not yo momma!

Additionally, for this Vegan Fried Shishito Pepper recipe, I tried using Panko (bread crumbs) in addition to the corn meal and flour mix. This combination didn’t work as well as I’d thought because the almond milk was still a bit runny. If I had been using a recipe with egg or butter, it might have worked better. In the end, I found that the corn meal and flour mix did the best job of (kind of) keeping the breading on the okra.

Okay, here we go with Vegan Fried Shishito Pepper!

  1. Gather and rinse your Shishito Peppers/ okraVegan Fried Okra
  2. Cut off the stem and bottom of your Shishito Peppers/ okra, then slice into 1″ pieces Vegan Fried Okra
  3. Mix your dry ingredients (cornmeal, flour, salt, pepper, seasoning), and mix your almond milk with your xanthan gum in a separate bowl, and put your oil in a deep frying/ sauté pan and warm it over medium heatVegan Fried Okra
  4. Set up a little assembly line for yourself next to your stove. Dunk your shishito peppers/ okra morsels into the almond milk to coat it, then cover it with the dry mix, so it’s completely covered Vegan Fried Okra
  5. Gently—so you don’t burn yourself—drop the shishito peppers/ okra into the hot oil. Sorry, no picture of steps five and six because I was trying to not set myself aflame!
  6. You may have to do it in batches, when the okra is a nice golden brown, transfer it onto a cookie sheet with a layer of paper towels on it, to help soak up and drain some of the oil
  7. Serve with your favorite other southern dishes; I chose mashed potatoes! Vegan Fried Okra



Vegan Fried Okra

Print Recipe
Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 20 minutes


  • 1 lb. of Okra, rinsed and cut
  • 3-6 cups of oil depending on the depth of your pan. You want the okra to be able to fully submerge, but the pan half full or less
  • 1/2 cup corn meal
  • 1 cup of flour
  • 1/2 tsp. xanthan gum
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 1/4 tsp. of paprika
  • 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1/2 cup of seasoning salt
  • 1/4 cup black pepper
  • 1/8 cup of garlic powder (or 1/4 if you don't have seasoning salt) LESS IS MORE



Gather and rinse your okra


Cut off the stem and bottom of your okra, then slice into 1" pieces


Mix your dry ingredients (cornmeal, flour, salt, pepper, seasoning), and mix your almond milk with your xanthan gum in a separate bowl


Put your oil in a deep frying/ sauté pan and warm it over medium heat


Set up a little assembly line for yourself next to your stove. Dunk your okra morsels into the almond milk to coat it, then cover it with the dry mix, so it's completely covered


Gently—so you don't burn yourself—drop the okra into the hot oil


You may have to do it in batches, when the okra is a nice golden brown, transfer it onto a cookie sheet with a layer of paper towels on it, to help soak up and drain some of the oil


Serve with your favorite other southern dishes; I chose mashed potatoes!


Simple 4 Ingredient Recipe for Vegan Parmesan

Recipe for Vegan Parmesan

A recipe for vegan Parmesan is a must in any vegan kitchen! After all, one of the things that turns a lot of people away from veganism is the lack of cheese. I’m not vegan anymore, but when I was considering trying it years ago, I couldn’t picture myself abstaining from parmesan on my pasta or pizza. Vegan cheese has come really far since the 90’s, I mean cashew cheese like changed everything. Meltable vegan cheese?? Yes, please!

Oftentimes with veganism the thing people miss is the consistency or texture that comes from cheeses and creams. Furthermore, in a lot of cooking cream based sauces can be a vehicle for other spices and flavors. Vegan cheeses with a cashew base have revolutionized raw and vegan cooking. This recipe for vegan Parmesan is no exception!

Use it to top salads, rice bowls, pasta, and in your raw vegan creations! I love to use it on a vegan Caesar or even to garnish a soup. Again, the possibilities are endless.

Wow your naysayer guests with this recipe for vegan parmesan.

Recipe for Vegan Parmesan

Print Recipe
Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 5 minutes


  • 1 cup of raw cashews
  • 4 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 3/4 tsp salt (add more for taste, start slow if you don't enjoy saltiness)
  • 1/3 tsp garlic powder



Add all ingredients to a blender or food processor until it's super fine and resembles Parmesan cheese flakes. You're done!

Attempts DIY

DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

This DIY Ritual Bath Bomb is ideal for a ritual soak/ cleanse. With the New Moon today, I thought I’d share this recipe to aide you in any intention setting and spellwork you might do. It’s a New Moon in Pisces/ Solar Eclipse and it’s a perfect time to set intentions rooted in emotion and honesty to oneself. Furthermore, you can take advantage of the new moon’s energy for a couple of days afterward, so please do! You’re not too late.

I recommend charging some amethyst or citrine under the new moon tonight for use in your future DIY Ritual Bath Bomb. You can use the charged stones as part of your rituals throughout the month. Oftentimes I strategize what color, essential oil, and crystal are best suited to my intention before making a bath bomb that reflects those things.

When I first attempted to make my own DIY Ritual Bath Bomb I was filled with such feelings of grandiose, it’s embarrassing. Like all of us, I’ve seen at least a dozen tutorials for bath bombs over the years. I figured they were missing something, though. As a witch and budding herbalist, I had a ton of ideas for bringing more intention and herbal remedy to the notion of a bath bomb.

I want to be 100% real with you here, I was certain that I was on the cusp of starting my DIY Ritual Bath Bomb empire—before I’d even tried to make a single bath bomb. The problem was in the execution.

I think I used a recipe that had too much moisture, which resulted in my bath bombs drying up and cracking and generally crumbling apart. I was pretty devastated. In the end, I used a recipe that makes smaller batches (2 large mold or 4 small molds) bath bombs. I’m so happy with the result! This is a perfect device to help you clear yourself of negative energies and to activate your intentions, inviting the things that you want into your life. Enjoy!


DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

You’ll need round metal bath bomb molds, mixing bowl(s), a whisk, and a foil wrapped cookie sheet for drying.


DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

Start by mixing all of your dry ingredients in a bowl. If you’re using dry herbs, you can mix those in with your dry ingredients or create pockets later. If you’re using powder color pigment, that counts as dry. However, if you’re using food coloring, that will go with your wet ingredients. Use your whisk to combine all the ingredients until it’s pretty uniform

DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

Mix your wet ingredients in a separate bowl. That’s your essential oil, almond/ coconut oil, water, and optional food coloring. Use a spoon to slowly add drops of your wet ingredients to your dry ingredients. Whisk as you do this to combine them. If it starts to fizz a lot, slow down.

DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

Once all your ingredients are combined you add any flower petals or herbs you’re using. Then you can begin to make the molds.

DIY Ritual Bath Bombs

Press a handful of your mix into a mold until it’s flush with the top and smooth. Smooth around the sides of the rim to eliminate a rim from the final product. Each half should be just a tiny bit heaping.

DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

Press each half together firmly. Flip so that one-half is sitting on top of the other. Carefully take the mold off the top half and set the bottom half down so the ball can begin to dry. That should take 15 minutes or so. After the DIY Ritual Bath Bomb has been drying a little bit, carefully flip it over so the exposed half of the bath bomb is down and carefully take the other half of the mold off.

DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

Allow the totally exposed bath bombs to dry overnight for at least 8 hours before using or wrapping them.

Enjoy this DIY Ritual Bath Bomb recipe!

DIY Ritual Bath Bomb

Print Recipe
Serves: 2 Cooking Time: 30 minutes


  • 4 oz. of baking soda/ sodium bicarbonate
  • 2 oz. of citric acid
  • 2 oz. of corn starch
  • 2 oz. of sea salts or Epsom salts (sea salt is more mineral rich while Epsom salt is just magnesium. Both will aide aches and pains, sea salt is better for clearing negative energy as you would before a ritual)
  • 1-1.5 tsp. of water
  • 1 tsp. essential oil (10-15 drops)
  • 1 1/4 tsp almond/ coconut carrier oil
  • Molds or cookie cutter shapes
  • Optional: Color pigment or food coloring and dried herbs



You'll need round metal bath bomb molds, mixing bowl(s), a whisk, and a foil wrapped cookie sheet for drying


Start by mixing all of your dry ingredients in a bowl. If you're using dry herbs, you can mix those in with your dry ingredients or create pockets later. If you're using powder color pigment, that counts as dry. If you're using food coloring, that will go with your wet ingredients. Use your whisk to combine all the ingredients until it's pretty uniform


Mix your wet ingredients in a separate bowl. That's your essential oil, almond/ coconut oil, water, and optional food coloring.


Use a spoon to slowly add drops of your wet ingredients to your dry ingredients as you whisk to combine them. If it starts to fizz a lot, slow down.


Once all your ingredients are combined you can begin to make the molds. Press a handful of your mix into a mold until it's flush with the top and smooth. Smooth around the sides of the rim to eliminate a rim from the final product. Each half should be just a tiny bit heaping.


Press each half together firmly. Flip so that one-half is sitting on top of the other. Carefully take the mold off the top half and set the bottom half down so the entire ball can begin to dry a bit (15 minutes or so). After the DIY Ritual Bath Bomb has been drying a little bit, carefully flip it over so the exposed half of the bath bomb is down and carefully take the other half of the mold off.


Allow the totally exposed bath bombs to dry overnight for at least 8 hours before placing them into a bath, cellophane, or packaging/ wrap.


Luscious Vegan Caesar Salad

Vegan Caesar Salad

Once, I had a vegan caesar salad at the Springs LA. It changed my liiiife! I wasn’t even vegan at the time (I’m still not), but I became obsessed with the salad. Of course, they don’t just give out their recipes, but I was ambitious and made a few attempts to recreate their masterpiece.

A good Caesar is hard to come by as an omnivore but as a vegan or vegetarian? Forget about it.

The ever elusive “good” vegan caesar salad only surfaces every once in a blue moon. You better believe when it does, many vegans pounce on it! The thing that’s best about this Vegan Caesar Salad recipe is that you have a significant opportunity here to offer something substantial, delicious, and vegan at your next dinner party.

I remember while planning my wedding my husband and I lamented over what to offer our vegan guests. The fare was traditional American BBQ. Since they were to be surrounded by the smell of meats all weekend, I strongly felt like we needed to offer the vegans and vegetarians something amazing. I hope the guests were satisfied with their choices—I think veggie kabobs, salad, veggie burgers, and couscous?— but had I developed this recipe for Vegan Caesar Salad then, I would have definitely passed it along to our caterers.

Personally, what I fell in love with about this Vegan Caesar Salad is that it has seaweed in it. The seaweed gives it that oceany flavor without harming any little fish.

I’m proud to bring you my version of a Vegan Caesar Salad! I hope you love it as much as I do.

Luscious Vegan Caesar Salad

Print Recipe
Serves: 4 Cooking Time: 10 minutes


  • 1/2 cup hummus (if you don't like hummus, don't have any, or you can't eat it you can sub in 1/2 pre-soaked cashews, 1 tsp. of capers, and 1 tsp of Worcestershire sauce)
  • 1 1/2 tbsp. spicy mustard
  • 1 tbsp. evoo
  • 3 cloves of garlic (this makes it kind of garlicky spicy, so use less if you aren't a huge fan)
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice
  • 1 pack dried seaweed snack
  • 1/2 tsp. sea-salt
  • 2 loosely packed cups of Spring Mix Lettuce's
  • 2 cups of chopped romaine
  • 1 1/2 cups of loosely packed massaged kale (to massage kale, you literally massage it. I threw on about a tablespoon of EVOO and massaged it with my hands, kind of like washing your hair)
  • 1/2 cups of alfalfa sprouts
  • 2-3 packs of snack dried and salted seaweed, sliced lengthwise into strips
  • 1 cup Garbanzo Bean Croutons
  • 3/4 cup of Vegan Caesar Dressing
  • 2 avocados, sliced
  • Optional: Pepitas



Throw all of your dressing ingredients into the blender and blend it until smooth and creamy. I like to blend everything except the evoo first, and then throw in the evoo for one last whirl


Chop your lettuces and massage your kale (chop your kale and put a tbsp. of evoo on it. Massage it around like you're washing your hair or kneading dough until it becomes softer. Super easy and makes a big diff!)


Throw it in a bowl


Top with the alfalfa sprouts, seaweed strips, and pepitas


Toss with the dressing


Garnish with avocado




Using GF Worcestershire Sauce should make this meal 100% GF, if you have a serious aversion, though, please check all your labels. Grey Poupon doesn't contain gluten ingredients but could have cross contamination. Beware celiacs!


Cauliflower Rice for Lazy People

cauliflower rice

Do you ever look at a complicated recipe and just say “fuck it,” and order pizza instead? Been there…many…many…times! But it doesn’t have to be that way! Cooking can be easy, fun, and no longer something you dread. With this in mind, I bring you, Cauliflower Rice for Lazy People!

When I first heard of cauliflower rice and cauliflower mash, it involved a lot of boiling and steaming.

It was just too much, and I feel like I always ended up with a watery, piss poor excuse for my favorite starches. This Cauliflower Rice can be used as a rice replacement in almost any rice dish. You can add butter, cheese, or a vegan alternative like nutritional yeast to flavor it.

This is such a fantastic option because it’s a simple way to take in fewer calories and carbs. Especially serving it at night, it’s hugely beneficial to lower your carb intake after 3:00 pm or so. I for one always feel like total shit if I eat something heavy for dinner. My husband and I eat at like 7:00 pm usually and it’s close enough to bedtime to make me feel like crap, plus I hate sleeping on a full stomach. You can incorporate this recipe for cauliflower rice into most fad diets! Keto or Atkins, add some butter! Eating “clean,” don’t add a thing! I’m sure even your Weight Watchers coach would approve!

cauliflower rice

cauliflower rice

cauliflower rice

cauliflower rice

cauliflower rice

Cauliflower Rice for Lazy People

Print Recipe
Serves: 1 Cooking Time: 10 minutes


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 1 tbsp. of oil
  • Cheese Grater (boxed is best)



Wash the cauliflower


Dry if off as much as you can


Remove the greens and any large stem from the bottom


Quarter it lengthwise down the stem


Grate the cauliflower like you would cheese


Saute it, covered, over medium heat with the oil for about 7 minutes. Stirring occasionally


Season it however you want. I use salt & pepper, you could also add cheese or nutritional yeast.



Roasted Root Vegetable Over Cauliflower Rice

Roasted Root Vegetable Entrée Over Cauliflower Rice

I’ve been playing around with basic rice bowls and root vegetables lately. If you’ve seen my recipe for Butternut Squash Soup then you know I’m pretty much obsessed with fall foods and roasted veggies. Don’t get me wrong, I love a fresh summer salad, but Fall will always have my heart.

This Roasted Root Vegetable Over Cauliflower Rice is quick and breezy to prep. I love the ease of walking away from a meal, cooking it that is. Especially relevant, roasting is great for the house person or stay-at-home mom/dad because it allows you the freedom to do a ton of other stuff as you wait to plate. Furthermore, seasonal veggies are so accessible to almost any region. Hit up your local farmers market and see what they have seasonally. Many of the proprietors will be able to tell you what they stock, and when, so you can prepare menus a couple weeks out.

Cauliflower rice is simple and quick to make. Once you get these simple steps down, the possibilities are endless. Most of all, food in bowl form is such a relief. It plates beautifully and it’s often the easiest style to prepare.



Roasted Root Vegetable Entrée Over Cauliflower Rice

I hope you enjoy this recipe for Roasted Root Vegetable Entrée Over Cauliflower Rice.

Roasted Root Vegetable Entrée Over Cauliflower Rice

Print Recipe
Serves: 6 Cooking Time: 1 hour


  • 3 Large carrots, cut into 1" pieces
  • 2 Sweet potatoes
  • 2 Golden beets
  • 2 Large beets
  • 1 Large red onion
  • 1 Acorn squash
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 3 tbsp. Olive oil
  • Salt & Pepper to taste



Preheat your oven to a roasting temp of 425 °F


Cut all your veggies. Wash and scrub the beets and dice into 1" cubes, quarter the onions, slice the peeled and deseeded squash into 1/2" slices, slice or cube the sweet potatos, and dice the carrots


Toss the veggies in the olive oil, spread on a foiled rimmed baking sheet. I did two rounds (2 sheets) at 45 minutes each. Make sure to toss/ turn over your veggies halfway through


Remove from oven and serve over a rice, quinoa, or cauliflower rice. Try it with my Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce!


This recipe wins for meal prep because—if it's just you and a roomie/ spouse—this can be lunch for a week! Bring it to spice up your bland side-salad at the office! I absolutely love sending my husband to work with additions like these. A side of roasted veggies can go a long way, and your pocketbook will notice too! Waaaay better to spend $6 on lunch every day than $15!


Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce

This Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce will save almost any meal.

It’s so tangy and herby it will literally make dry toast taste good. I love to do special sauces because usually, they’re so quick—like throw a bunch of shit in a blender—quick! Furthermore, they can take a dish from basic to extraordinary.
So often with cooking, the thing people are missing is seasoning or sauce. I didn’t use a pinch of salt in anything until I was 25 and it opened up my eyes to the endless possibilities in my kitchen. This Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce is great as an addition to a Meatless Monday, or anywhere you find the need for some tangy, herby goodness.

I usually use this Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce in a rice bowl recipe. It’s great over roasted root vegetables, rice, or even (especially) tacos! Just imagine this delicious mix on a veggie taco with some mango, um…yes, please?!? Here’s a link to a recipe I featured using this Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce.

I love this recipe for Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce because it’s so easy to make.

Furthermore, if you’re used to cooking vegan like I am, you know to keep cashews on hand. The great thing about this Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce is that it’s also raw. Your omnivore guests would never guess this scrumptious, creamy sauce was vegan.

You can substitute lemon if that’s what you have on hand, you do you. Honestly, any variation of this sauce is gonna be delish.


I hope you enjoy the versatility of this vegan Sauce!

Dill and Parsley Cashew Sauce

Print Recipe
Serves: 8 Cooking Time: 5 minutes


  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1 cup of cashews (preferably soaked for 2 hours, but honestly it's whatever). If you DO soak, don't presoak a lot cuz they WILL mold
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Juice from 2 limes
  • 1/2 cup loosely packed chopped parsley
  • 1/2 cup loosely packed dill
  • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled
  • Salt & Pepper to taste



Chop yo shiiiiit. That's the 1/2 onion, dill, and parsley


Put the 1 cup of cashews in the blender, followed by your liquids (lime juice and water), then comes the 1/2 onion, garlic, and the herbs.


Blend it ALL


Throw in some salt n' pepa and blend again



Attempts DIY Lifestyle

DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket

DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket

I’ve seen concepts for DIY Rope Baskets a lot—on Pinterest and various blogs—with people using laundry baskets (the standard, dollar store plastic ones with holes). These baskets are perfect for beside a sofa or living room setting to have blankets and other items of comfort on hand. I have my blankets stored elsewhere and what I really needed was something cute to store my dog’s toys in. So I came up with an idea to do a DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket.

I had a leftover IKEA wastebasket—sans holes— so I thought I’d give my version a try. My wastebasket is much smaller than a laundry basket.  I had a lot of extra sisal rope from Home Depot, in two different sizes that had been sitting outside in the rain for almost a year (eek, I know). So I finally freed it from its wet prison and draped it over my porch railing to air dry a bit. Once it was mostly dry, I threw it into the dryer for 30 minutes to finish the job. My original vision was to use the thicker kind of sisal on the bottom and try to taper up into the thinner twine. Sounded easy enough!

In the end, for my DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket I chose to begin with the thicker sisal, braid in the thinner sisal halfway up for three rows, and end with just the small sisal. I’m super happy with the result, and so is Tallulah (she’s the cute one in black).

DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket

Step One: Collect Your Supplies
  • 10 ft. of natural sisal rope
  • Wastebasket
  • Cloth/ textile of your choice
  • Hot glue gun & Glue
  • Scissors

DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket

Step Two: Cut your fabric

For this step, lay the fabric inside the wastebasket so that it is touching the bottom and all the sides. This way, if something heavy is put in, the weight won’t tear the fabric or make the hot-glue come undone.

DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket


Step Three: Cut off the fabric that’s overlapping the lip of the wastebasket on the outside.

Give yourself about an inch to overlap. Once you’ve cut around the outside, you can begin to hot glue the fabric so it overlaps the lip of the wastebasket by about 1″. I wasn’t bunching my fabric enough when I started gluing, so I ended up with a bunch of fabric spilling out when I reached the end. However, I liked the effect and decided to keep it! The best part about DIY is that sometimes your mistakes can inspire you 🙂

DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket

Step Four: Begin gluing the sisal rope, starting at the base.

Once you’ve secured the fabric to the outside lip of the wastebasket, you can start to glue your sisal on. I used all the glue pictured (about 12-13 sticks), so have a lot on hand if you need it. Apply the glue directly to the basket and pressed the sisal into it for ten seconds to dry. Glue about 5″ at a time.

DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket

Step Five: Continue

Now you’ll basically continue gluing and wrapping the sisal all the way around until you’re finished. If you want to do a braided effect start it once you reach the second tier/ halfway point. Begin to twist in the thinner sisal. Do this for a few rows. Then, cut the thick sisal rope and continue in a straight line all the way around with the more lightweight sisal. This is the end result and I’m super happy with it. If you’re good at needlepoint or embroidery the excess cloth would be great to add a monogrammed initial or a little heart.

DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial for a DIY Rope Dog Toy Basket! Let me know in the comments how it turned out and tag me on Instagram in your creations! I’d love to see <3


Easy Homemade Chia Pudding

Easy Homemade Chia Pudding

This Easy Homemade Chia Pudding is one of my favorite things to meal prep! It has so many uses and it’s an easy and economical choice. Furthermore, despite their small stature, chia seeds are actually nutritional heroes. Most noteworthy, they’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, calcium, antioxidants, and protein. Therefore, this easy homemade chia pudding recipe will set you straight on your health goals and even the kids will like it!

I’ve found that chia pudding is great on it’s own or as part of a bigger picture. Chia pudding can be paired with anything—hot oatmeal, breakfast quinoa, or grits to jello, fresh fruit, smoothies and more.

The best part about this easy homemade chia pudding is that it’s foolproof! If you ask me, any recipe that you can stir and walk away from for eight hours is a win!

What will you create with this easy homemade recipe for chia pudding? Tell me in the comments 👇

Easy Homemade Chia Pudding

Print Recipe
Serves: 8


  • 1 cup chia seeds
  • 4 cups milk of choice
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp. of honey or agave



Put chia seeds in a bowl


Pour milk, cinnamon, sweetener, and vanilla extract over seeds


Whisk or mix with a fork


Refrigerate and allow the chia seeds to "gel" (at least 4 hours)


You can always blend the ingredients before or after you refrigerate if you don't enjoy the texture.