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breakfast burrito


Breakfast Burrito With Rice Paper

burrito with rice paper, Breakfast Burrito with Rice Paper

I order spring rolls pretty much every time my husband and I go out to Thai food. I love the chewy texture and vibrant colors that peak through the veil of rice paper. I’m a big fan of mochi and rice noodles as well! After one of my recent visits to a sushi place, an idea struck me: What if I made a breakfast burrito with rice paper??! Holy shit, am I some breakfast genius?

I did some googling, and it turns out a breakfast burrito with rice paper has been done before.

However, it’s received way less attention than I would think. I’ve seen fruit and floral spring rolls trending on Instagram lately, which I still want to try. This time, however, it was a matter of what was available to me, so I was inspired to create a colorful breakfast burrito with rice paper.

The great thing about this recipe is how versatile it is. Rice paper is naturally gluten free, which is a huge plus! That opens the possibilities to an even larger and more diverse group. I’m always on the lookout for easy and quick meal options for my husband, as well as any guests that grace our doorstep.

You could incorporate fried tofu, sweet potato, hash browns, cheese, veggies, or nearly anything else that belongs with breakfast. I’d love to try both a tofu scramble and breakfast oats in some rice paper soon.

For the sake of simplicity—and what I had in my fridge—I used egg, avo, and goat cheese for my recipe today. I also purchased rice paper on Amazon ahead of time in preparation.

I hope you enjoy this recipe for a Breakfast Burrito With Rice Paper!

Breakfast Burrito With Rice Paper

Print Recipe
Serves: 1 Cooking Time: 5 minutes


  • 2 eggs scrambled (or 1 cup of cubed tofu, scrambled)
  • 1/2 small avocado
  • 2 oz. goat cheese
  • 2 sheets of rice paper
  • Sriracha



Scramble eggs until fluffy


Cut and cube avocado


Soak each sheet of rice paper in warm water for 5 seconds (or per manufacturer instructions) and place on a plate


Put all ingredients on the rice papers, distributing evenly, and roll.


Serve with ketchup, hollandaise, hot sauce, or whatever!