
Super Food Smoothie Bowl

*This post first appeared on our sister site, I AM A HEALER.

The ability to heal through cooking and mindful recipes is the best. We each share meals with those close to us daily and there’s no reason why we can’t add some intention in the kitchen. Food is a fuel, in its most basic definition. You can dress it up and pair it with whatever you want, but at the end of the day if you want to live, you’ve got to eat. And if you want to live well, you’ve got to learn to heal through cooking. When I say cooking, I use the term loosely. We’re making a smoothie today, not literally cooking a meal. But some days you want a smoothie, or you’re in a rush. This is just a  simple way to get mindful using some basic ingredients you might already have in your fridge.

When you heal through cooking you’re mindfully creating recipes and meals with the properties of the ingredients at the forefront of your mind. We do this subconsciously when we serve up things like chicken noodle soup or popsicles for someone that is sick because these items help to soothe and alleviate pain. Once you practice ways to heal through cooking how you look at food will change drastically.

Today we’re going to heal through cooking by making a Banana, Peach, and Blood Orange Smoothie over an easy chia pudding.

Chia Pudding Ratio: 1/4 cup of chia seeds to 1 cup of almond/coconut/ soy/ or rice milk. Stir and let sit overnight in your fridge to “gel.” Some people choose to blend it all first and then refrigerate, but I’m a big fan of the weird texture of chia seeds.

Add some honey (or alternative sweetener if you’re vegan) and some cinnamon.

Super Food Smoothie Bowl

Print Recipe
Cooking Time: 5 minutes


  • 3/4 banana
  • 1 peach
  • 3 small blood oranges
  • 2 tablespoons of almond butter
  • 5 ice cubes





Blend smoothie ingredients until smooth. Tilt your glass or bowl with your chia pudding in it and slowly pour the smoothie onto the top of the chia pudding.




1/4 banana (sliced into a fun shape if you feeling like Instagramming that shiz)


2 oz blueberries


2oz raspberries



Chia pudding: With Chia, you get a big bang for your buck. These little gems are chock full of nutrients with very little calories. To top that of they’re naturally gluten free! They’re full of antioxidents—which means they help remove potentially damaging oxidizing agents n the body— and they’re also high in Omega-3’s! They’re 14% protein which is great and very balanced for a plant, and their carbs are almost all from fiber (if you’re on a low-carb diet then you know that means it basically doesn’t count as a carb!) They can also help to prevent heart disease and assist in regulating diabetes. Sold? I thought so.

Almonds are said to bring wisdom and prosperity by stimulating intuition. Almonds stimulate the Third Eye Chakra to bring insight.

Bananas phallic shape can represent harnessing male energies and charging oneself. However, the flowers of the banana trees are sterile and can represent the futility of the material. Women were once forbidden to eat the fruit in Hawaii, punishable by death. So rebel against the patriarchy, feed your loins and eat a banana!

Blueberries represent protection and peace. They embody a deep acceptance within and they’re full of antioxidant compounds (anthocyanidins). A study showed that 3 months of daily blueberry consumption was enough to improve scores on two different tests of cognitive function including memory.

Cinnamon is thought to increase spirituality and psychic insight. It stimulates the Crown Chakra. The spice is recognized for its healing properties and is used as an antiseptic and painkiller. It is also known to increase insulin production, stop diarrhea, and lower blood pressure.

Honey is used to treat indigestion, colds, flu, and headaches. It is synonymous with happiness and fulfillment, and it is added to food and beverages to emphasize those things.

Blood Oranges property of being able to strengthen lust and passion, inspire creativity and imagination, while also being able to instill courage and strength. The vitamin C in citrus fruits raises the brain’s level of norepinephrine, which increases energy while reducing irritability.

Peaches pack an abundance of vitamin A, B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, fiber, potassium, and a little zinc. Peaches are a feminine symbol of love and spiritual fertility.

Raspberries induce stamina and vigor, and at one time, the leaves were carried by pregnant women to help them through childbirth. The tea acts as a blood tonic to treat anemia and stop diarrhea.

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